Currency Change Needed
For about 115 years the penny has been our lowest denomination. My issue is that the quarter has less buying power today than a cent did 100 years ago. Why do we still use them.? The 1910 dollar bill had more purchasing power than a $20 bill has today. Why do we hang on to the past? How much cash is in use today vs. 115 years ago? Based on the population increase you might think we need more but the fact is that we need considerably less with the advent of debit & credit cards along with online banking.
I can make a case that change will be more efficient and save tax dollars. The plan would be that the quarter would the lowest denomination of coin and exist along with the ½ dollar, dollar, and 5-dollar coins. Cash purchases would be rounded to the nearest $.25 increment while debit, credit & electronic purchases would remain as is. Paper money only lasts for a few years at best while coins can last a hundred years or more. The largest number of paper notes are the dollar bill and replacing them with coinage will save money.
I know what you will say, “We tried the dollar coin and it did not work”. The reason is simple. We did not have the fortitude to replace the paper note, it was an optional approach.
I was reminded of our broken currency system on a recent trip to La Paz, Bolivia. Their smallest coin denomination is the equivalent of 15 US cents.