How is our country doing, carbon footprint wise, on energy production?
Over the past 65 years we have made some progress, but not as much as many other countries. Even today almost 64% of our energy is based on petroleum-based products. There are now less than 25 countries that produce over 80% of their energy from renewable source while we only produce 17% via these same sources.
U.S. electricity generation by source, amount, and share of total in 2018 Energy
US Energy Information Administration (Source)
Total – all sources 100%
Fossil fuels (total)63.6%
Natural 35.2% Coal 27.5% Petroleum (total) .6% (Petroleum liquids.4% Petroleum coke .2%) Other gases .3%
Nuclear 19.4%
Renewables (total) 16.9%
Hydropower 7% Wind 6.5% Biomass (total) 1.4% (Wood 1.0% Landfill gas .3% Municipal solid waste (biogenic) .2% Other biomass waste <0.1%) Solar 1.5% (Photovoltaic 1.4% Solar thermal .1%) Geothermal .4% Pumped storage hydropower3 .1% Other sources .3%