Divide & Conquer

Divide & Conquer

Our elected representatives (our shepherds) are doing an excellent job of tending their flocks. They continue to nurture polarization in order that we will not focus on the primary issues facing our futures. If you have a flock it is important to reinforce the potential dangers that the enemy (the other side of the political aisle) poses. The liberals are on the way to creating a socialistic state or the conservatives will only be happy with fascist, corporate controlled country. The more division and animosity the better. Polarization best serves both parties in a system controlled by career politicians. It is what I call subversive control. Focus on the enemy and not the lack of performance of your shepherd.
I wonder if a system controlled by career minded persons would ever vote to limit their career potential? I wonder if these same folks would be interested in encouraging other political parties into their game? Why would they? The two- party system allows them the appearance of working on behalf of the flock while providing them with a very lucrative profession.
Have you ever wondered why your representative tends to vote the party line regardless of the issue? Does this really make sense? Using the recent tweaking of the tax code as an example does it make sense for a fiscal conservative to vote to increase the national debt by another $1.4 trillion? Even if I can justify how this borrowing is distributed, I would think that a few conservatives would not support it on fiscal grounds. However, the vote was strictly along party lines. This is merely one example among many where bills have been passed by both sides of the aisle. It appears that voting your individual conscious is not possible in our current system.
As sheep I believe there are many important issues on which we could come together and reach compromise. Items that come to mind are: the environment, the excessive cost of healthcare & higher education and the out of control national debt.
One final warning. We tend to blindly believe claims if they support our political leaning or belief system. There is a lot of fake news out there. If it sounds outrageous then the claim is probably false. Patriot sheep unite and take control.
