I became a fan of Ancient Aliens almost immediately and I remember buying a DVD of the first season so I could watch all of the episodes several times. However, over time I have become disenchanted. If I here “Ancient Allien Theorists say yes” I will scream. In an effort to create more programming content they have the program has ventured off into any area with little or no evidence and considerable speculation. Big Foot – Aliens, Disasters – Aliens, Cults – Aliens, Geniuses – Aliens, Crystal Skulls – Aliens, The Ark of the Covenant – Aliens, Mysterious mountains – Aliens, Child prodigies – Aliens. I could go on but you get the idea. Recently I found a series that is much better and more informative. The name is called “Unidentified” and is available on Roku and Hulu. It contains interviews with credible individuals who have had alien encounters.
My view is that the subject is clear based on overwhelming evidence that we are being visited by Aliens. There are millions of unexplained sightings and thousands or reported abductions from reliable sources. Are they from other planetary systems, other dimensions or time travelers? Or Venus as in the case of Valient Thor? I have no idea but if you can suspend your belief for a few minutes let’s assume that I am correct. What does this mean?
Then our government surely knows quite a bit more than they are telling us and I think that makes sense. If I had access to advanced technology, would I want my adversaries (and likely my allies) to know it? Of course not. Other countries would take the same view. It’s like an alien cover up war and no country knows what the others have. You might think that if that is true then why hasn’t our technology advanced at a faster rate. While some of our advances might be a result of alien tech it might be much more difficult to reverse engineer than we imagine. Let’s say they are only hundreds of years advanced than we are. Go back two hundred years and ask them to reverse engineer a mobile phone. They would not know where to start. Now imagine a technology that is a thousand years ahead or a million.
Where does that leave Seti? Despite loving the movie “Contact” I’ve always thought that Seti was a crazy project. First, we are trying to communicate with “Intelligent Life” when much more intelligent Alien life is already here. Putting that aside, let’s assume what they are searching for is relatively close by (assume 50 light years). The first signals where transmitted in 1984. There are 10 years remaining before they will be received. Their response, if they have the same technology as us, will come to us in 2084. If they are much more advanced, they may show up sooner in person with good or bad intentions?
Despite my criticism of the Ancient Aliens series there are many episodes that stick to the facts and are worth the watch. Almost all that involve Linda Moulton Howe are good. On in particular that I highly recommend is Season 12, episode 9. Linda is an experienced, serious investigative reporter.