Overweight & Obesity & a Solution
4 a) In the prior blogs, I discussed the obesity issue. I now would like to delve further into this issue and affordable solutions. Let’s break it down: Obesity results from a person ingesting more calories than one expends. 3,000 – 3,500 calories equals one pound of body weight.
Example: A person consumes 2,500 calories a day but only expends 2,000 calories. This occurs for a year. What will happen to this person’s body weight? Answer: This person will have gained approximately 56 pounds!
Source: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090204114050AAnSR6n “Your body burns a certain amount of calories each day whether you exercise or not. We each have what is called a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This rate gradually decreases with age. To the BMR you add the total calories used during the day due to all exercise and activity, which gives you your Active Metabolic Rate. “
Calorie burn varies quite a bit depending on weight, age and other factors but on average a person will burn 1,500 calories during an average day without a planned exercise period (one calorie per minute). From this it should be obvious what the largest cause of obesity is……… come on……..you know the answer……. It is ………….. lack of calorie burn (if a person consumes in excess of 1,500 calories per day and most of us do!).”
How many calories do we, in the US, consume daily? Source: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060818053651AAXgSG0
“Best Answer: Worldwide the average is 2,470 calories per day but there are large differences from one country to the next. Americans have the highest calorie intake in the world at an average of 3,330 per person per day and just behind are the Dutch at 3,320 per day. In joint third place are Russians and Australians on 3,280 per day (Australia used to be top). In many developing nations the average calories per head per day are between 1,500 and 2,000, Indonesia for example is 1,790. In the world’s poorest countries the total is less than 1,500 and in Burkina Faso for example it is 1,220. In times of drought and famine the figures fall significantly.”
Stay tuned for more on this topic