Let’s Bash the President

Chapter 14

Let’s Bash the President

One of several downsides to the two party system is the fact that the losing party takes immediate action to discredit the winner. This activity seems not to be party specific. I recall many Democrats pointing out, with much joy, certain not so bright statements made President George W. Bush in an attempt to present him as both an idiot and a fool. More recently, many Republicans relish the idea of criticizing President Obama at every opportunity. It seems to me that you are not a loyal member of your political party if you do not participate in the “bashing” process.

I wonder how this serves our country.  I am not opposed to “spirited” debate but my opinion is that in a democratic republic we ought to support the will of the majority and display our displeasure at the polls. When the focus should be on tending to the business of managing our country the “bashing activity” seems to be both immature and unprofessional behavior.

My conclusion is that either all of our elected representatives are fools or, more likely, there is something inherently wrong with the election process and the role that the two party system plays.