Kit Kat (a travel story)

Kit Kat (a travel story)

When I was off to college my family decided to adopt a cat. My younger brother fell in love with the “runt” of the litter. She was a small tortoise shell and he named her Kit Kat. When she was full grown she outgrew her “runt” status and reached 13 lbs. in her prime (the average female cat is in the 10 – 11 lb. range).

When she was several years old the family was living in Montgomery AL and took a week-long vacation. They decided to board Kit Kat with the one of the local vets whose office was located several miles away and the required route crossed two controlled access freeways. As was his custom dad asked a neighbor to look after the house and gave him the phone number where the family would be staying. He asked the neighbor to call if anything were to occur.

Two days into the vacation his neighbor called and informed him that his cat was hanging around the front door. Dad called the vet and confirmed that Kit Kat had escaped. When he contacted the neighbor and explained what happened his neighbor offered to return Kit Kat to the vet and dad thanked him. Another two days passed and the neighbor called my dad again, Kit Kat was back! He offered to put out food and water for the cat until the family would return a few days later.

How did Kit Kat know the route back home? How did she manage crossing two controlled access freeways safely? Not once but twice. I guess the 2nd time was easier!

Kit KAT passed away at age 13. She was a very special part of our family.