Do ET Aliens Have a Sense of Humor?
I have recently asked myself this question. I am still searching for evidence. If ETs are real and if they wanted us dead, we would be. It does not matter if they come from another planet, another dimension, another “time” or what or whenever their technology would be so advanced, we could not compete.
All of a sudden, serious people are starting to take UFOs — unidentified flying objects — seriously.
“There’s footage and records of objects in the skies that — we don’t know exactly what they are, we can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory,” former President Barack Obama told CBS’s James Corden.
Many in Congress are curious, too, and this month the body is set to receive a report originating from a Pentagon task force detailing its investigations into unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), the preferred term for UFOs among specialists. The Pentagon Office of the Inspector General is also evaluating the government’s approach to UAPs with an eye to strengthening its monitoring and response. The highest levels of the American government are very, very interested in what’s up there in the sky.
When I was growing up, UFOs were the province of late-night talk radio and The X-Files. They had a roughly similar level of respectability to theories that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job, or that the CIA killed John F. Kennedy.
That stigma appears to be fading somewhat. In 1996, Gallup found that only 47 percent of Americans thought people reporting UFO sightings were seeing something real, and not imagining it. In 2019, when Gallup polled again, a majority, 56 percent, thought UFO observers were seeing something real.
That’s the easy part. Now here’s the hard part and that is complex. If you are inclined to read an unbiased article (very long) article on this please see at: UFOs are real and sightings are too, according to a Pentagon report – Vox
My Opinion: I think the reason the three videos were released is that they reveal nothing relative to proving the existence of ETs. It allows the government to say “See we are not hiding anything”. There is and has been much more convincing evidence available without these videos. Is the government keeping much of what they know in confidence? My bet would be yes and I would give attractive odds. Are they keeping us in the dark because they think we could not handle the truth? That is ridiculous. Do they consider the information they have on UFOs to have highest level of secrecy because they want to gain a technological advantage (especially militarily) over the competition? Of course.