The Big Bang & common sense

The Big Bang & common sense
I have always had my concerns about the concept of the Big Bang. I have not been able to wrap my head around the idea that all the matter in the universe originated from a single point smaller than an atom. That degree of density is mind blowing. Somehow the matter in this point exploded (banged) 13.8 Billion years ago. The matter (regular, dark, and other?) starts expanding at some point. Not only is it expanding, but it is expanding at an accelerating rate. There is actually evidence that the rate of universe expansion could be exceeding the speed of light on the outer edges. While we believe that exceeding the speed of light is not possible for a body traveling within space it is apparently for space itself to expand at a rate that exceeds it!?
I there was a single point (singularity) where was it? Prior to the “bang” there was apparently no such thing as “space” and “time”. These two concepts seem to be enveloped within the expanding universe. What caused the singularity to “bang”. What lies outside the boundaries of our universal bubble? Are we only one universe among a multiverse? If so, what lies between the universes if space is only contained within a universe? Our brightest minds postulate answers to all of these questions but, at best, they appear only be S.W.A.G.s to me.
What is the shape of our universe? Common sense would say that it must resemble a sphere. When it “banged” you would think that the expansion would be simultaneous in all directions. But no. The best competing theories are: 1. That the universe is relatively flat or 2. It is relatively flat, but curved. If it is relatively flat then how thick is the “flatness”? What is the shape of the “flat” boundaries? I have seen illustrations that seem to indicate the boundaries might resemble a rectangle, but how would that be possible?
Did the singularity occur in the center of what we now observe as the universe or at one end? On illustration that I viewed indicated that the expansion only occurred in one direction (if “direction” is even the appropriate term?).
Recent indications are that the diameter of the observable universe is 91 billion light years. If this is true and the universe is relatively flat then what meant by “the diameter”? Does that imply that the shape of the universe is actually a relatively flat circle how do they determine the actual relative location of our galaxy within the universe? Are we near the center or close to one edge? Super minds estimate the Milky Way to be 13.8 billion years old which should put closer to the edge, but that is common sense and the “facts” appear to be uncommon! How did the universe obtain a diameter of 91 billion light years in less than 14 billion years?

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