Thank you

This post’s intent is to thank all of my subscribers for their participation. After three years in virtual obscurity about 10 days a the blog passed 200 subscribers! This achievement is entirely due to current subscribers recommending the blog to others. Thank you very much!

I thought it might be interesting to review the topics that have been posted over the past three plus years and which are still available on the site:

  1. Our broken system for electing representation and alternatives
  2. Our health care system and alternatives
  3. Gov’t funding for health education, why it is not working
  4. Overweight & obesity & a solution
  5. Not all Calories are created equal & the low/no fat myth.
  6. A case for Term limits and why they will likely never be implemented
  7. The Electoral College is it still relevant?
  8. The two-party system, the gangs of DC, and how they work together, but not for the common good
  9. The national debt, personal debt & scary unfunded federal obligations.
  10. Solutions to balancing the Federal Budget
  11. Distribution of taxes paid, who pays?
  12. You owe back taxes, why pay?
  13. The founders of our Democratic Republic, some interesting facts
  14. Let’s bash the President!
  15. The Cult of Government Bureaucracy
  16. Our insane federal tax code
  17.   Interest rate on the debt. It is low and is that good?
  18. Unemployment: Official vs. Reality
  19. Our elected representatives play by different rules, why?
  20. Our wasteful and unfair election process (revisiting topic #1)
  21. Life skills and the need to incorporate them early into the educational curriculum
  22. Incarcerations, prisons, the tax payer rip-off & a low cost alternative A
  23. All-natural foods are healthy and great, but can lower income folks afford them? Healthy alternatives.
  24. High frequency traders, bank and broker facilitators and how they rip off the small investor
  25. A relationship among lower incomes, cigarette smoking, the lotto & fast food
  26. Belief Systems: The good, the not so good & the ugly
  27. We are so smart, aren’t we?  (our changing knowledge base)
  28. The price of petrol is very low in the US, the good news and the not so good news
  29. Guns, guns and more guns!
  30. News or Agenda – CNN, Fox, Aljazeera
  31. Reality shows – from Wrestling to Springer to ….
  32. History of man, what do we really know?
  33. Auto Insurance the way I figure it could be free!
  34. The metric system and currency
  35. Civilization, did it commence 6,000 years ago?
  36. Nikola Tesla – the unappreciated prophet.
  37. Sophie’s Believe it or not!
  38. Just for fun – Aliens among us
  39. Just for fun – The Universe
  40. Accountability & Reputation
  41. Do I really have to pay for this?
  42. Just for fun, my favorite apps
  43. Test your perspective, just for fun
  44. America, the world’s cop
  45. High speed cop car chases, are they worth it?
  46. Prescription Drugs – why do we subsidize the rest of the world? 
  47. Overused and abused expressions that make little or no sense:
  48. Currency, does ours make sense?
  49. Distribution of Taxes, revisited
  50. The Outrageous cost of Advanced Education
  51. Amending our system: Issues & Solutions
  52. Just for fun: Area 51 (site S-4)
  53. The Important Issues & polarization (opinion)
  54. Ancient Ancestors & Current Aliens (just for fun)
  55. Searching for Balance
  56. Polarization & Control
  57. Should taxpayers be concerned by our National Debt?
  58. Our Neighborhood in Space (just for fun)
  59. NPC (Not Politically Correct)
  60. Alien Contact (Just for Fun)
  61. Violence in America  
  62. Violence and Incarceration
  63. Health Care revisited
  64. US Patriots Initiative
  65. Path to a Balanced Budget
  66. Follow on to Articles 1 -3, 4 & 7 of the US Patriots Initiatives – The Elect
  67. Tax & Spend vs. Reducing Taxes
  68. Judge Roy Moore
  69. New Tax Bill & the Debt Disaster
  70. Divide & Conquer
  71. Belief systems revisited
  72. Education Revisited    
  73.  The Illusion of Substance (Just for Fun)
  74. 74. The Wall
  75. 75. Politics as Usual
  76. 76. The 2nd Amendment (2)
  77. 77. China: Communism or Capitalism
  78. 78. Ban Guns, surely you Jest
  79. 79. Our National Debt – Update                                                                                                             
  80. The real top 5 unexplained (just for fun)   
  81. We’re number 1   
  82. The Wall  
  83.  Go forth and Populate the Earth   
  84.  Roundabouts  
  85. Polarization & control – revisited 
  86. Upstream vs. Downstream – Illegal immigration
  87. Upstream vs. Downstream – Healthcare 
  88. My Misinformation
  89. Polarization and solutions
  90. Two Americans in Europe
  91. Observations while traveling in Europe
  92. Americanize
  93. The Price of Medication
  94. You get what you pay for
  95. Kit Kat (a travel story)
  96. The Big Bang & common sense
  97. Your immune system
  98. A replacement for #3 in my top 5 unexplained
  99. More on Political Polarization
  100. Keynes vs. Friedman
  101. Name Nonsense – Just for fun                                                                                               
  102. Great Teachers – Life Lessons 
  103. Healthcare Costs & the Budget Deficit
  104. Renewable Ener
  105. The Obesity Epidemic Revisit
  106. When a tax cut is not?
  107. When is a tax increase not?
  108. Hidden taxes
  109. Life Expectancy vs HALE
  110. Moussa Castle
  111. Military Spending
  112. The Electoral College