This post’s intent is to thank all of my subscribers for their participation. After three years in virtual obscurity about 10 days a the blog passed 200 subscribers! This achievement is entirely due to current subscribers recommending the blog to others. Thank you very much!
I thought it might be interesting to review the topics that have been posted over the past three plus years and which are still available on the site:
- Our broken system for electing representation and alternatives
- Our health care system and alternatives
- Gov’t funding for health education, why it is not working
- Overweight & obesity & a solution
- Not all Calories are created equal & the low/no fat myth.
- A case for Term limits and why they will likely never be implemented
- The Electoral College is it still relevant?
- The two-party system, the gangs of DC, and how they work together, but not for the common good
- The national debt, personal debt & scary unfunded federal obligations.
- Solutions to balancing the Federal Budget
- Distribution of taxes paid, who pays?
- You owe back taxes, why pay?
- The founders of our Democratic Republic, some interesting facts
- Let’s bash the President!
- The Cult of Government Bureaucracy
- Our insane federal tax code
- Interest rate on the debt. It is low and is that good?
- Unemployment: Official vs. Reality
- Our elected representatives play by different rules, why?
- Our wasteful and unfair election process (revisiting topic #1)
- Life skills and the need to incorporate them early into the educational curriculum
- Incarcerations, prisons, the tax payer rip-off & a low cost alternative A
- All-natural foods are healthy and great, but can lower income folks afford them? Healthy alternatives.
- High frequency traders, bank and broker facilitators and how they rip off the small investor
- A relationship among lower incomes, cigarette smoking, the lotto & fast food
- Belief Systems: The good, the not so good & the ugly
- We are so smart, aren’t we? (our changing knowledge base)
- The price of petrol is very low in the US, the good news and the not so good news
- Guns, guns and more guns!
- News or Agenda – CNN, Fox, Aljazeera
- Reality shows – from Wrestling to Springer to ….
- History of man, what do we really know?
- Auto Insurance the way I figure it could be free!
- The metric system and currency
- Civilization, did it commence 6,000 years ago?
- Nikola Tesla – the unappreciated prophet.
- Sophie’s Believe it or not!
- Just for fun – Aliens among us
- Just for fun – The Universe
- Accountability & Reputation
- Do I really have to pay for this?
- Just for fun, my favorite apps
- Test your perspective, just for fun
- America, the world’s cop
- High speed cop car chases, are they worth it?
- Prescription Drugs – why do we subsidize the rest of the world?
- Overused and abused expressions that make little or no sense:
- Currency, does ours make sense?
- Distribution of Taxes, revisited
- The Outrageous cost of Advanced Education
- Amending our system: Issues & Solutions
- Just for fun: Area 51 (site S-4)
- The Important Issues & polarization (opinion)
- Ancient Ancestors & Current Aliens (just for fun)
- Searching for Balance
- Polarization & Control
- Should taxpayers be concerned by our National Debt?
- Our Neighborhood in Space (just for fun)
- NPC (Not Politically Correct)
- Alien Contact (Just for Fun)
- Violence in America
- Violence and Incarceration
- Health Care revisited
- US Patriots Initiative
- Path to a Balanced Budget
- Follow on to Articles 1 -3, 4 & 7 of the US Patriots Initiatives – The Elect
- Tax & Spend vs. Reducing Taxes
- Judge Roy Moore
- New Tax Bill & the Debt Disaster
- Divide & Conquer
- Belief systems revisited
- Education Revisited
- The Illusion of Substance (Just for Fun)
- 74. The Wall
- 75. Politics as Usual
- 76. The 2nd Amendment (2)
- 77. China: Communism or Capitalism
- 78. Ban Guns, surely you Jest
- 79. Our National Debt – Update
- The real top 5 unexplained (just for fun)
- We’re number 1
- The Wall
- Go forth and Populate the Earth
- Roundabouts
- Polarization & control – revisited
- Upstream vs. Downstream – Illegal immigration
- Upstream vs. Downstream – Healthcare
- My Misinformation
- Polarization and solutions
- Two Americans in Europe
- Observations while traveling in Europe
- Americanize
- The Price of Medication
- You get what you pay for
- Kit Kat (a travel story)
- The Big Bang & common sense
- Your immune system
- A replacement for #3 in my top 5 unexplained
- More on Political Polarization
- Keynes vs. Friedman
- Name Nonsense – Just for fun
- Great Teachers – Life Lessons
- Healthcare Costs & the Budget Deficit
- Renewable Ener
- The Obesity Epidemic Revisit
- When a tax cut is not?
- When is a tax increase not?
- Hidden taxes
- Life Expectancy vs HALE
- Moussa Castle
- Military Spending
- The Electoral College