Psychopathic Traits

Psychopathic Traits

Most of us will display one or more psychopathic traits. This does not mean that we are psychopaths. However, when a person displays half or more then there is a decent chance that the individual is extremely dangerous.

The twenty traits on the Hare Psychopathy checklist are:

  1. pathological lying     *                                        11. glib and superficial charm *
  2. grandiose sense of self    *                               12. need for stimulation *
  3. cunning and manipulative                                13. lack of remorse or guilt *
  4. shallow emotional response    *                   14. callousness and lack of empathy *
  5. parasitic lifestyle                                                  15.  poor behavioral controls *
  6. sexual promiscuity *                                      16. early behavior problems *
  7. lack of realistic long-term goals  *                 17. impulsivity *
  8. irresponsibility                                                     18. failure to accept responsibility *
  9. many short-term marital relationships      19. juvenile delinquency
  10. revocation of conditional release        20. criminal versatility

I have tagged (*) 13 of these traits. I have emphasized a few (7) of these traits in bold type. Does this remind you of anyone? There have been numerous cult leaders that possess a majority of these traits. Their followers were not bad people, just programmed to believe that their leader could do no wrong despite considerable evidence to the contrary. If you are aware of any leader that displays a majority of these traits I would encourage you not to drink the Kool Aid at the end.