5 f) Protein (con’t) Source for below: http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/87/5/1554S.full
“Good proteins are certain plant-derived proteins. The Senate Committee on Nutrition advised consuming less meat and more grains and vegetables.. The American Dietetic Association states: “An assortment of plant foods eaten over the course of a day can provide all essential amino acids and …adequate nitrogen.” Other vegetable sources usually have all of the essential amino acids, but amounts of one or two may be low. For example:
- Whole grains may be low in lysine, but high in methionine and cystine.
- Legumes are good sources of lysine and isoleucine, but less tryptophan, methionine and cystine.
- Seeds and nuts contain tryptophan, methionine and cystine, but are low in lysine.
- Vegetable sources of complete protein include avocados, sea vegetables, leafy green vegetables, and potatoes. “The protein of potatoes is extremely high quality, and the quantity, in terms of a percentage, is similar to that of milk” (Raymond Peat, PhD, 2010,from interview with Mary Shomon, http://www.thyroid-info.com/articles/ray-peat.htm).
When you combine grains, legumes, nuts or seeds, you have complete protein. However, to be digestible, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds should be soaked 7-24 hours before eating or cooking to eliminate enzyme inhibitors.”
In summary, most of us have a protein deficiency, especially when it comes to ingestion of “good” protein. Please pay attention to the quality and quantity of your protein intake.